Sources of Income

Alberta Liquor & Gaming Commission

'Every 3 years, the Seniors Association is eligible to participate in an AGLC-sponsored casino held at one of the casinos in Red Deer. Our two days of volunteering to manage the casino allowed us a share of the profits. We generally earn between $20,000 and $30,000 at one of these casinos. These funds can only be spent on specific expenses and must be used within three years.

As well as the casino, the Seniors Association runs a weekly community bingo. The mon­ies earned from these bingos are also governed by ALGC rules and can only be spent on certain things.

Cash revenues

Many of the activities that take place at the Senior Centre have a cost to participants (lessons, meals, foot care, etc). The Association garners a small profit from each of these activities which is used to meet expenses not payable with AGLC funds. The Association charges an annual membership fee (currently $25.00) and these funds, too, are used to cover expenses not payable with AGLC funds.

Grant Sources

Where the Association qualifies, we can apply for grants from the Federal government, Pro­vincial government, and Municipal government as well as from local charitable organizations and foundations like the Red Deer and District Community Foundation. Dependent upon the spending priorities of any of these, the Association may or may not qualify for funds in any given year.

Income History

The chart below shows the income history of the Association (WITHOUT GRANTS) since 2019:

Association Expenses

Senior Center Costs

Yearly expenses include: lease payments, utilities, cable, internet, janitorial

Salary Costs

Program Coordinator salary

Bingo caller stipend

Miscellaneous Expenses

Bingo supplies

Office supplies

Kitchen supplies

Expenses History

The chart below shows the total annual expenses of the Association over the past 10 years: